true love is a fantasy. itu kata patrick dempsey. but i don't think that is completely true. in my opininon, true love will exist kalau both partners love each other so much, completely honest, and very much loyal to each other.
the question is, is it hard for you to be completely honest and at the same time loyal to your partner? kenapa there are such thing as lying, hidding and etc. just because we are called homosapien, and we are not perfect, kita boleh senang-senang jadikan itu sebagai alasan untuk tidak jujur dan setia?
so, currently im watching a popular series or drama whatever you call them. and dalam cerita tu ada 5 pelakon yang ada 5 different personalities and everything. two of them are married, tinggal the rest as kawan. what makes me so keen to watch from season 1 to season 5 is simply because how sweet the couple can be.
so these are the characters yang i think helps a lot when you want to find your soulmate. or even if you are married, boleh jadi ini antara benda-benda kecil yang i think berguna dalam hidup.
1. always support your partner especially berkaitan benda yang diorang suka.let's say satu hari diorang balik kerja and tells you yang dia kena marah bos ke ape, cheer him/her up. give him your full support and says that everything is gonna be alright.cakap yang kita bole go through this thing together.
2. never put the blame on him/her. contohnyer dia tersalah beli sos. janganlah membebel yang you all tak suka sos nie la, kenapa tak dengar cakap you all la,kenapa tak write down la.
another word that i HATE so much, "tu laa..kan i dah cakap bla bla..". even if anyone cakap macam tu rasa nak smack je muka orang tu. memang kadang-kadang kita nak cakap, tapi just keep it in your mind. bukan sahaja ayat itu menjatuhkan kredibiliti seseorang, malah kita sebagai pasangan sepatutnya jaga air muka pasangan kita. itu semua pilihan. so bila pilihan tu salah, ada cara lain untuk betulkan keadaan.
3. keep them ahead. pengorbanan. in everything you do, put the one you love as the reason you do whatever things you do. contohnya kerja. kita bekerja untuk bagi anak bini makan, untuk kebahagia keluarga. bila senang semua senang. so that kita rasa semangat bila kita tau ape jua yang kita buat, akan ada seseorang yang menghargai.
4. tell them how much you love them, everyday. i know, ramai yang rasa kenapa perlu ucap cinta setiap hari.asal tahu dalam hati cukupla. i don't know about guys, tapi girls memang mengader nak hari-hari dengan 'i love u..' , 'i miss you..' sebab boys and girls are differents maka kehendak pun different. well, kalau you have a partner yang joyous enough tak kisah dengan this thing, well..good for you.
5. cinta bukan sebab harta. erm..harta memang penting, tapi jangan jadikan harta sebagai tujuan rasa cinta. cinta sebab rasa. rasa dalam hati.
6. still madly deeply in love after so many years together. bukan susah untuk nak rasa cinta. simple things like holding hands, talking on the phone for hours, emailing, simple notes left. use your creativity.
what else?malas nak fikir dah. banyak sangat. but it is a good lesson. and i love how the series came up with this whole love marriage thing. very nice.
but i know, benda yang paling memenatkan bila kita dah buat sehabis baik just to make them happy, they never appreciate it. when we wanted to make things to a whole new level, it is just not at the right time. buy honey, keep trying. you'll have somebody to love you.
ok sekarang nak sambung tengok season finale. gosh..i really love love, if ya' know what i mean..
Fast Forward to 2022
3 years ago
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