why life should have such drama? why on earth people loves drama rather than doing your own work and behave as such you are in a professional manners. i thought working with that kind of tribe je ada masalah macam nie, tapi working in this type of tribe pon lebih kurang jer. it is exhausting and i really don't like when everytime the drama's are on air. you get what i mean? and it could be worse.
but i really enjoying myself at work. i take my everyday job as something that i LIKE to do, not something that i HAVE to do. two different meanings but with the same goal- finishing your job. i suka waktu pagi, where i am equip with full energy, charged from a very good night sleep the night before. i love waking up in the morning (if i have something to do) but i HATE waiting until the nights come. i bole bangun seawal 5pagi untuk mula kerja, but bila time tunjuk pukul 5 petang, i mula jadi macam kanak-kanak nampak aiskrim berserta happy meal, all excited to get home. nasib baik, i heard that my class usually sampai pukul 5 je since malam ACCA will start off their classes.
my place takde orang melayu. kalau ade pon, wayy to junior. so i am hoping, starting january, the management akan hire orang melayu *ehem*. selain i memerlukan seseorang untuk menyegarkan mata i, i juga memerlukan teman berbual (communication barrier due to different nationality) dan juga teman makan waktu lunch.err, bukan i tak suka keluar dengan my friends, tapi it will be merrier kalau ada someone yang macam kita. yela, boleh share tempoyak bila dia amik sambal belacan.
tadi one of the lecturer stop by and gave us a whole chocolate cake. tak tau la sebab lapar ke ape, but the cake was awesome, sedap! ada lagi separuh kat office, hopefully takde la anak-anak semut yang buat party Zouk kat situ, memang mintak spray je la kan. she was nice actually. her face is like so garang you know, so i macam biasa double standard la kan. turned out, she is super nice! muka garang tapi baik takpe. jangan muka hodoh perangai pon ikut hodoh, such a *****.
anyway, lagi beberapa hari nak new year!!mesti fun kalau dapat celebrate dengan orang yang paling kita sayang. to give me such a warm hug and says, "i am happy to go through these years with you and i can't wait to have another year with you..". and yes, i don't get it this year. but i already have my new year's resolution. sounds pretty amazing.
my married friend asked me, "how many times you wish i love you to your love one?". i said every second if i can, but usually everytime the conversation between us stop, and out of nowhere pun i boleh cakap camtu. it shouldn't have reasons or rules. when you feel like you want to express your feelings, do it!she said i am oh so romantic..
esok kerja and baju belum gosok. kalau malas, i pakai baju kurung since paling senang nak gosok. if extra rajin, i pakai la kemeja and seluar/skirt. by esok, tinggal lagi satu hari je keje but i have to work until 10pm. part time job kan.
sabtu?my family nak pergi jenjalan but i am too lazy so i decided to stay at home, mintak duit sikit kat mama, and will order dominos pizza and eat them all by myself sambil tengok HBO or any DVD's available.
sounds great for Christmas? i don't celebrate Xmas but thanked PM for giving us public holiday. i always support you PM..muah muah!
Fast Forward to 2022
3 years ago
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