husband dah getting busy sekarang. susah jugak nak contact. kalau bbm pun lambat-lambat je dia reply. i also getting stressed out sometime tapi masih boleh bertahan. yelah, al-maklum la orang nandong, dia nak perhatian lebih kan, lagi-lagi dengan kekasih hati dia. boleh plak kekasih hati jauh nun kat selatan, so what else can i do? nothing. just wait for him.
tapi husband bila dia free memang setiap saat dia bbm. macam taknak hilang satu peluang pun to spend time with me. i lagi la happy. nanti i cerita i makan ape. buat ape. tukar-tukar gambar. just like when we were young, hangat bercinta. dah kahwin ni lagi la naughty lebih. was so fun having a very good friend yang understands your needs and wants.
husband seems happy dengan kehadiran orang baru dalam pewot i ni. still early, 6 weeks, but i am happy. alhamdulilah. tak tergambar rasanya. tak sabar nak ada perut besat dan bulat, dan berat, and i will be heavy and susah nak jalan. will be a hillarious moment for me. i pray hard that both my babies will do well. stay and grow healthy and stronger. love you both!
anyway, the baby came without a plan. we did plan but since husband nak pergi kursus, kitorang pun relaks sajer. just have our own sweet moment and spend a quality time dengan husband. and the baby came into the picture!hehehe...but betul-betul bersyukur. betul-betul buat i terbuka minda yang Allah is really MAHA PENGASIH DAN MAHA PENYAYANG. what else will a mother want rather than her child? :)
tak sabar nak tunggu husband cuti. tak diketahuilah bila dia cuti. sedih nie. i really want to spend the 3-day holiday dengan husband kat rumah. and cook home meal for him, kiss him and hug him all around the house. go for date, tengok wayang, and tidur bergelimpangan kat rumah.
government, please have some mercy to me, or at least to our baby? please?
Fast Forward to 2022
3 years ago
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