i'm majoring in chemistry which, it was not my choice at the first place. i'm more to a biology person, but too lazy to read and memorize things. hahaha....chemistry was tough. and will always be. hahaha...especially inorganic chemistry, because we can see them. atom? do you (actually) see atom? nope. but we know it is there.hahaha something like that la..
semalam masak jugak ayam goreng bercili. is not like ayam goreng bercili pun, die macam ayam masak sweet sour. sedap sebab i buat pedas. kesian la husband, tapi tengok dia macam okay jer.hehehehe... pastu 30mins after makan, we went for a jog. i sebenarnye semalam penat gila, sebab 6 hours class the whole day, plus husband fetched me a bit late, dia banyak kerja, so reached home by 8pm macam tu. masak and makan. haruslah kan penat.
tapi memikirkan husband nak pergi kursus ketahanan diri, layankan jugak la. tapi lepas nie tak boleh jog dah, swimming boleh. tihiii... balik usband tak sempat mandi dah terlelap dengan peluh-peluh jog. he was trying to run as fast as me, he can and he was damn tired after that. tido terus. hahahaha...
around 11.4pm macam tu kejut dia mandi, and by the time i habis mandi, dia dah tidur kat katil. hahaha...so cute!tu la, semangat sangat nak lari laju-laju macam i. hihihhih...
this friday i nak tidur rumah my mum, pastu malam tu i nak husband fetch me at the event place. terus balik our own sweet home.heee...or the other way round. okay jugak kan??
oklah dear, nak sambung buat kerja. bye!
Fast Forward to 2022
3 years ago
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