
Sunday, September 30, 2012

My First Trimester : Week 4


The blastocyst that will be your baby splits to form the placenta and the embryo, and the specialized parts of your baby's body begin to develop.

Implantation bleeding (possibly)
PMS-like symptoms (breast tenderness, bloating, mood swings) that might not go away

science cakap dalam masa sekarang ni, baby besar sesame seed je. tapi growing rapidly especially the circulatory system. insyaAllah. anyway, i need to keep track of my health condition in case of emergency, so at least i can refer to this. and also sharing information and real-life-condition with future mommy too. dengan niat cuma satu, nak diri sendiri sihat and tau progression or reason and causes behind everything and share information. :) insyaAllah.

masa mula-mula rasa pregnant tu sebab ada spot bleeding macam masa nak start period tu. tapi not on my panties, tapi bila kita bersihkan. so sebab tu ingat period, rupanya ada hidupan comel berenang-berenang dalam 'perot' kita. tihii...

ape lagi symptoms eh??

oh boobies sangat-sangat sakit especialy dekat bahagian areola and nipple. kalau terkena lengan sendiri (sentuhan/fraction) macam nak buka baju ke apa, dia punye perit, mak aihhh. i keep on thinking macam mana la sakit breast fedding kan baby. tskkk...

lepas tu i punya pinggang/ belakang sakit/sengal. mama cakap bukan pinggang tapi tulang pelvic nak mengembang so senang nak angkut baby. adakah ini bermaksud bontot i are getting bigger??ini satu benda yang saya suka..bahahaha..

lepas tu i rasa nak tido/baring je all the time. bukan nak tido, mengantuk ke ape. tapi rasa nak lay down. kalau dapat memang best la. teeheee....

lepas tu i asyik rasa nak munch-munch. tapi so far i try to makan benda-benda sihat. kat ofis memang banyak kurma and dried grapes. so memang makan tu jer. takde la makan keropok ke kerepek ke. try to avoid kalau boleh.

lagi satu perot macam keras-keras jer. sebab doc cakap dinding rahim menebal. well, it make sense la kot. so im fine with it.

so itu je la symptom nyer. yang lain-lain takde lagi. heee...

"YaAllah, lindungilah zuriat ku and diri ku. sihatkanlah tubuh badan kami. jadikanlah ia anak yang soleh dan solehah.."

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Soon Mommy To Be

Alhamdulilah. Alhamdulilah. Alhamdulilah.
Me is expecting to have a baby soon!
(on my fourth month of marriage!)
Alhamdulilah. :)

How do i know that i am pregnant?
Well, the story goes like this:

kan husband nak pergi kursus hari tu for 3 days, so i stayed with my parents in KL. malam-malam macam nak pergi gym because that what i usually do bila balik KL. back to my gym routine. tapi i was worried if i am pregnant sebab actually masa hari selasa lepas dah 3 hari lambat period. i memang period cycle sangat normal. i already have the symptom for period such as bleeding spot, diorrhea, and back pain.

tapi i proceeded with the test. pukul 8.00pm macam tu i pakai towel masuk toilet bringing the pregnancy kit test i bought from guardian. yang rm12.00++ tu. and it gave positive result although the line on t-section was quite light. tunjuk mama, she cant read the result sebab dia dulu pergi jumpa doctor je. -_- so 50's.

watsapp my sister in law who had been through first trimester but she lost the baby somehow (T_T) so dia mesti ada rough idea on how to detect whether my test tu positive ke tak. so she said positive tapi cuba check lagi 2 hari.

so esok i pergi kerja, i showed the picture i took of the positive-result-preg-kit to my friend yang dah ada anak satu, but i said it was my friend's result. (malu la plus takut tak confirm). so she said, "ha confirm la tu. kalau tak pregnant, takde nyer keluar satu lagi line tu...". masa tu pukul 9.00am. i asked her to teman me to buy preg-kit sebab nak pergi gym malam nie. so okay. lunch time tu i pergi watson sebab dia kate preg-kit kat situ lagi murah. memang murah. RM5.00 je.

tengah hari tu tahan weewee (urine), sampai pukul 2.30pm. buat test dalam toilet. this time, baru i yakin that i am pregnant sebab all lines were clear. so clear okay. purple pekat masuk lecturer's room, tunjuk dengan collegues, lepas tu semua nangis. i was crying heavily sebab i didn't expect the baby so i was all excited. malu gila nangis depan kengkawan.

so itulah dia.

i didnt tell husband right away, thinking of suprising him on friday night dia balik. but oh well, perempuan. malam tu jugak bagitau. husband was so excited. boohoooo!!

so jumaat jumpa dia macam biasa as he got back from melaka. masuk kereta, arr terus malu-malu like, "hello, its your baby inside!what did you do to me!?". hahahaha....after he fetched me at the station, terus pergi clinic because husband trust the doctor more than he trust me. -_-

around 8.00 pm kitorang arrived at the clinic. well, the line was not that clear. kate dah malam and i just weeweee before boarding into train. tapi after 10minits borak-borak dengan doctor, tanya diet apa good for newly mom, the lines were getting very clear. doctor cakap, "ha, confirm ni pregnant. nampak??clear sangat dah ni..". pastu i jeling husband. hahaha.

so i dah nak masuk 5 weeks of pregnancy. i dont have (yet?) morning sickness. cuma i rasa penat, rasa nak baring all the time, and sakit pinggang. so kat ofis letak bantal je kat belakang. curik akak nandong punya. hahaha...

i am all happy and thanked Allah for giving me the opportunity to be a mother. i was so blessed with good family, great husband, and now a baby. i didnt tell anyone yet (huh?) except family, collegues (by accident ceh!). close friends tak bagitau, and just a mere hints on facebook, tapi nobody realize yet. orang kata baru lagi so we keep to ourselves.dalam blog? surely readers tak kenal i. hehehehe... siapa yang kenal i, just keep the news to yourself too yer sayang?

so congrats husband for being the strongest men and now you have captured me with your love (s) one inside me. booooo...

thank you Allah. thank you husband. thank you family. oh boy, aren't i, a one lucky women?

doakan me and baby sihat sentiasa. dan sentiasa dilindungi Allah Ta'ala. insyaAllah. Amin.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Si Naga

lagi 4 hari je husband ada dengan i. kesedihan mula dirasakan la sekarang ni. pagi tadi terbangun around 5.30am macam tu. bangun pagi muka memang nak sondol muka husband je. pastu tetiba sayu sebab tau dah lepas ni takleh dah nak sondol2 kacau dia pagi2. pastu tetiba nangis tersedu sedan sendiri. nasib husband bangun pujuk2. mesti dalam hati dia, "haih nangis pulak. dah la ngantuk ni...-_-". haha..pedulik ape.

semalam ada kenduri kat rumah aunty. eh bukan kenduri. just gathering between us family. so ada makan-makan and all. my aunty buat pai tee. fulamak sedap giler! tapi since im already full, i makan dua je la pai tee tu. if not berlambak dah makan.hahaha..

pastu masa duduk kat hall rumah aunty tu, husband i duduk kat tempat lain, tapi still boleh nampak dia sebab dia duduk opposite direction dengan i. pastu i pandang jela dia, sebab i memang menggedik sikit suka je nak tengok husband i like all the time. ustaz cakap kalau kita pandang suami kita dengan kasih sayang, dapat pahala. haa, boleh nampak tak berapa pahala dah i kumpul?bahahahaha... pastu dia pandang balik, well of course la mesti la dia boleh perasaan i pandang dia, tapi saje la tu jual mahal nak pandang i. -_- bila dia pandang i, i bagi la invisible flying kiss kat dia, boleh plak ayah pandang i masa tu. kakakakakaka.....abes kitorang dua gelak la. ha tu makan dia. bercinta tak kira masa, kan dah kantoi.

pastu comel je ajak i duduk sebelah dia. -_- suami i memang tak boleh jauh-jauh dari i. entah kenapa macam tu. pantang lepa sikit, nanti dia panggil. pastu dah duduk dekat-dekat, i memang la jadi mengada sikit. kacau-kacau perut dia. pastu suami cakap, "hello, public b. jangan nak manja sangat...". pastu gelak-gelak. apakah? suka kan sebenarnya?-_-

semalam dalam kereta, suami jadi naga. pegang stereng kete buat muka naga, hembus2 konon ada api keluar dari mulut. tak tau la suami siapa tu -_- i didn't signed up for this when i decided to marry him btw.

ni beliau out station. hari jumaat balik. then hari ahad hantar lagi outstation. but this time for 6 months. uwaaaa.....sedih dah nie...-_-

Friday, September 21, 2012

The day

Semalam was our yassin day. It is a day where after isya' prayer, we will take our time to recite the surah yassin. We will make sure to have it every weekend except when I have my mens. By that time, husband sorang-sorang jela baca.

So bila kita ada baca yassin, kitorang takla pegi jogging.memang mengantuk la kalau buat camtu, we had tried it once.

Anyway semalam kitorang baca kat hall depan. I was doing okay at first, reciting with my own yassin on hand, but the last 20 ayat, I closed my yassin and went spooning husband. My head was on his shoulder, and my eyes was on the yassin he held. Baca dari situ jer. (Dasar pemalas)

Lepas 'sadaqallahulazim' I think both of us terus tertido with that position. And by the time I woke up, it was already 1am. And I was in my telekung. Hahahaha...husband pun boleh tahan sengal tertido and let me be in my telekung. -_-

Anyway, husband went into our bedroom by himself (and leaving me alone outside). Fine. I went to the kitchen and munched on something comfortable. And drank a glass of hot chocolate.

Went through facebook and youtube. And by 2am masuk bilik.

At by 6 bangun buat nasi goreng untuk husband. This morning he asked me, "syg, u tido luar ke semalam?". "Ha'ah..nape b?" ."Patut la macam takde u kat sebelah..". Hehehe.... Anje angat tido pun nak berteman kan. Booooo!

Semalam tido I nanges when I hugged him. I know I won't get to feel the warmth of his body, the smell, and his touch when sleeping. I'll be sleeping alone until next year.

Nanges2 pun tido jugak heyy. Ngantuk! -_-

Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Tak Lelakikah Bila..

Hari tu masa tengah nak masak dinner untuk me and husband makan, husband tengah vacum rumah and sapu. Senyap je dia buat keje. Selalu kalau dia senyap tu dia marah la tu rumah bersepah.
Yer, sebagai isteri (saya) memang utamakan suami dalam segala benda selagi tak salah disisi agama. Kalau ikot rasa hati, I nak siap semua benda tanpa husband suruh.
Makan dah hidang sebelum husband lapar.
Baju dah bergosok sebelum husband cari.
Kasut dah polish sebelum dia pakai.
Rumah dah sapu vacum bagai sebelum dia yang buat.
Toilet bersih sentiasa.
Katil berkemas sebelum dan selepas tido.
Senang kata, suami tinggal makan tido jela (and bagi duit belanja je..tihii).
Memang itu impian saya.
Jangan kata kita ni dijadikan hamba. Jauh sekali orang gaji. Besar pahala dan ganjaran kalau berbakti untuk suami. :)
Kita manusia, dah TIDAK sempurna. Dan kita tidak ada kudrat untuk buat ni semua. Kita (perempuan) kan lemah. I admit that. Kurang, kurang tenaga kerja.mudah penat. Dan banyak kerja yang kita tak boleh buat semua.
Dan alhamdulilah, husband I sentiasa membantu. Dahla berhabis duit nak sediakan rumah, makan, dan tempat tidur, dah cukup serba sebi especially makan. Lagi help around the house.
Husband cerita malam tu (masa tengah masak), kawan dia (perempuan) tanya, " kau tolong tak wife kau kat umah?". Husband proudly answered, " mestila. Lipat kain, sapu, vacuum, basuh pinggan. Lagi2 bila isteri aku tak larat."
And kawan dia jawab, " sah kau ni dah kena control.."
I was like, "WTF?". Oh wow, kesiannya mentality orang malaysia nie. Oh wow, kesian sangat. :)
Taknak la cakap macam mana keadaan kawan husband dengan suami dia kat rumah sebab I tak tau. I doakan suami dia okay okay saja.
And from that moment, I know that I'm so lucky to have him. Yes I admit, I selalu je buat sepah kat rumah. Or maybe he is too organized? Anyhow, husband selalu membebel pasal rumah bersepah. But although dia suka point out things, dia jugaklah yang membantu around the house. A lot.
But selalu during weekend I la buat semua (if tak penat). And masak special for him for being nice to me the whole week..tihii. So weekend selalu dia (we) jog, makan, tidur. And I do my things.
Entah. I rasa takde salahnya, dan takde kurangnya martabat lelaki kalau dia help around the house. Wife u bukan robot dan bukan orang gaji u, yang u nak being bossy and shove her with all the shits. Kan?
U tolong u lagi dapat pahala. Allah kan suka orang yang rajin, yang menyenangkan hati isteri, yang membahagiakan rumah tangganya. U kan ketua keluarga. U la bimbing kalau isteri u salah.
Tapi isteri jangan amik kesempatan. Ada perempuan macam tu. Dahla bangun lambat, breakfast pun suami buat.
Takpe. Tapi jangan sampai husband pergi ofis, perempuan lain yang bagi makan, siap kan segala. Sendiri mau ingat la yer..hehehee..:)
Dan sebagai perempuan, kita memang kena berlebihkan sikit. Bak kata akak ofis, jangan buat suami ada reason (spt isteri malas) utk dia cari orang lain. Heh.
Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone


Entah ape sedap sangat sambal sotong yang I masak sebab kekerapan craving encik husband to eat them is like twice or thrice per month. Hahahaha... I know that he loves sotong, especially sotong goreng tepung.

You know that we used sotong basah (the white one) untuk goreng tepung, but I don't really like that sotong compare dengan sotong rendam (the brown one).

I definitely LOVE sotong rendam. So anyway, I taught husband on how to eat the sambal sotong , the 'my way'. Hahaha.. And turned out, he LOVES it, but its getting too much.

Habes dah kalau setiap kali pergi Tesco asyik tanya jer sotong rendam tu acaner? Luckiy for him, I love it too. I think at Tesco, sotong rendam costs like rm15 per kg. Quite expensive, selalu I bought the largest sotong satu, or if it small I buy two pieces.

I'm not sure how long does the sotong tahan because dia kena rendam dalam air kan. So using my so called common sense, benda yang dalam air bertakung (water is not moving) would be spoil faster. So selalu lepas beli, basuh and I stored in the fridge in a clean tupperware. But to makesure air tukar everyday.

Tapi selalu within 2 days dah masak dah. Me myself pun cannot tahan. Haahahaha...

Nanti husband pergi kursus, I will always sedih whenever I see sambal sotong. :( sounds funny kan, tapi that's the thing about me. Apa2 yang reminds me of him will always make me miss him a lot.

That's what we called, LOVE. :)

Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Johor Premium Outlet, Malaysia

So post honeymoon tak buat lagi. fine. Just a brief description. Had a wedding in Kota Tinggi, Johor, then we shoot to Johor Bahru straight. Balik singgah the famous Johor Premium Outlet.

So anyway, lets talk about Johor Premium Outlet or JPO, atleast that's what local called it. We went there around 2.30pm after had the best sup daging and mee rebus daging in the center of Johor Bahru. nama jalan tu, Jalan Petri if im not mistaken. but i dont quite like the mee rebus as the taste of udang kering is too much. but the thickness of the kuah mee rebus is awesome! for the soup, they provided unlimited access to kuah sambal kicap. although it lacks of pedas (err depends la kan. since i love love super spicy food so i rasa tak pedas sangat. tapi en husband letak setitis je muka merah-merah peluh-peluh -_- *tak macho langsung*), but since it was unlimited scoop of it, memang sedap la i tambah je non stop. and the daging also lembut. i think nama restauran dia Mee Rebus Sup Tulang ZZ , Johor Bahru.

so anyway lepas tu terus pergi JPO. sepatutnya kitorang dah cari JPO when we went out from the Senai-Desaru tol hari sabtu tu. tapi sebenarnya bukan okay. dia before Senai-Desaru tol. then we cant make a U-Turn, so bayar tol dua kali. eh tak bayar tol. kitorang pergi JB lalu Ulu Tiram. dekat gila tak sampai 30min kot. kira masa tu sedih la tak dapat JPO.

so ahad nak balik tu kitorang singgah JPO. husband tanye banyak kali, "nak pergi tak JPO syg?" i dengan banyak kali cakap, "okay jer. jom!". so pergi la kitorang. planning nak beli la wristlet kat coach ke fossil ke. sekali beratur la pulak kat coach tu. kalau beratur dua tiga orang takpe. ni sampai 30 orang, ha terima kasih je la. kat fossil pun ada, tapi tak jadi jugak. wristlet tu untuk pakai g wedding, which is wedding ada dua je for this end month. and this month jugak final month before dia pergi kursus lame.-_- bile pikir balik tak kemana-mana pun lepas ni, so tak payah la.

jalan-jalan jumpe evita peroni. dalam ni try la segala headband yang ada. sekarang ni i tgh maniac dengan head band. dah ada 4 dah. so tak penah lagi ada head band evita peroni beli la satu. best gila! terus pakai masa tu jugak. pastu cabut la takot terhilang. eh?

yang murah from the original price macam levis, nike, gap, la senza, levis, fossil, tu je la shop yang sempat masuk. tapi kitorang planning nak borong levis sorang dua keping. murah tahap gaban.

okay la. nak buat kerja. nak tambah pendapatan. pastu shopping. bye!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Semalam the whole day rasa loya. I rasa maybe sebab I makan nasi dagang banyak sgt kot. Pulut kan. Beli kat bawah ofis, tapi kakak tu bagi banyak gila, so I ate both in the morning and afternoon. -_- pastu tau la kan makanan kelantan ni manis berdengung. Nasib la I ni sweet tooth jugak, boleh la terima. Itupun I think it was very very sweet. Kalau husband I la, mau dia tolak tepi je nasi dagang tu.

I think that was the main reason why he likes nasi kerabu more than nasi dagang. Heh.

So anyway, I dah la rasa loya the whole day. Balik tu husband tanya , "nak pegi jogging tak?" I dengan buat muka kesian cakap tak larat nak pergi. So dia pun okay jer. Tapiiii...
Before he went for a jog, I dia belasah dulu. Die tolak I kat katil la, pukul dengan bantal, balut I dengan comforter, tarik kaki I, setakat pukul2 lengan badan tu perkara biasa. Bole tak masa tu I ingat dah habis dah game, I pun pegi dapur nak basuh baju, sekali dia datang terkejut kan I. Mak aihhhh serius main kasar la kan. Dah la washing machine kat luar rumah (veranda). dahla sehari sebelum tu kitorang cerita pasal pocong.. -_-

I pun ape lagi, dendam kesumat la kan.nampak die masuk toilet, biar sekejap, pastu I pun tunggu die depan pintu. Lama okay tunggu padahal gosok gigi jer pun. -_- tak tau suami sape yang puteri lilin tu.
Masa tunggu tu I dah nak tergelak2 dah ni tapi tahan jela kan. Kang kantoi plak kan kita diri depan pintu. Sekali dia bukak, " haaaaa!!!!". Hahahahahha....terkejut kau! I pun lari la selaju angin pergi living hall, pastu gelak guling2 atas sofa.hahahaha...

Adoiyaaiii...memang best la dia kena macam tu! Tu la main kasar lagi. Beliau muka memang tak puas hati. -_- pastu datang dekat kita slow2, nak pukul kite la tu. I pun jerit la kuat2. "Aaaaaaaaaaa!!!!taknak taknak!!". lantak la satu blok dengar, dengar kitorang jerit, dengar kitorang lari. yang malu dia. Dah la dua-dua berat boleh tahan kan. Tihiii..

Pastu dah puas main-main tu, dia siap2 nak g jog, I siap2 nak masak. Main-main je setengah jam. -_-
Kiss dua tiga kali depan pintu sambil remind "jangan lupe beli roti tau. Esok nak bawak bekal nutella kan..". tapi dia kan pergi jogging, teka la dia simpan duit kat mane. *pengsan*

So hari ni sebab ada roti, I buat la roti bakar buh scramble egg with mayo, sos, and pepper. Minum hot tea (his favourite!) and bekalkan die nutella. :)

Semalam I masak ayam msk kicap, kacang goreng cili padi, panaskan sambal udang semalam, lodeh, buat sambal belacan dengan potong timun, air oren. Tak bertambah la beliau makan nasi kan.
Malam konon pasang bourne the identity. Tak payah. Letak kepala je terus pengsan. Hahaha...tak romantic langsung!

Monday, September 10, 2012


i don't want to go out, because i have exam papers to mark, i have exam questions to prepare and etc. husband keep asking me to go, on and on and on. and thus the quarrel. -_- and me as an obedient wife (prrffttt!), i mandi and siap to go. marah marah jugak, tapi keluar pakai baju putih sama-sama jugak....heee sweet jer. inside the car, i kept quiet all the way, and be in my own world. husband bought satay and eat together with the family.

malam tu on the way back home, i still kept quiet and say nothing. until we reached home. husband switched on the movie 'forest gump'. we watched it until i fell asleep. it was so tiring yesterday and i don't know why. or maybe because i love to sleep. eh husband pun!

malam tu masa nak tidur, eh actually i dah tertidur pun, but husband kejut suruh masuk dalam bilik. he was very kind to me..i really miss him right now. ehek mengade plak...=)

anyway, before nak tidur tu, husband hugged me pretty tight and kiss me all over the face. hahaha...i asked him to go to sleep but he didn't say a thing. he just stared at me and play with my hair. it was very very comforting to me. i love when he did that. i love being in his arms. and i love when he did that.

this week we will have our second honeymoon in johor bahru. thinking of going to singapore, but i dont think we have enough time. but i pray that i will not spoil our honeymoon, mood and etc. i will be at my best behaviour. hehehe...and i know i will be so mengader that i want this and that and that and this.hhahaha...

i know right now i have the best husband in the world. who loves me, and cares for me. who compliment for everything that i have done, who will make sure that i have enough in terms of food, clothes, money, shelter etc. who will spend the extra with me rather than going out with his friends. who say thanks for every favor i did. the one who will make sure im comfortable most of the time. the person that will kiss me the entire time, who gives me suprise's hugs from the back, who plays around with me, who sing a long with me, and the most important thing is being silly with me.

alhamdulilah ya allah, for giving me a best friend and a lover, when i dont think i deserved one. i love him for he is my husband. thank you ya allah for giving me this happiness. thank you allah and i pray that You will shower us with all the love and i hope that our love will grow fonder each and every second of our lives.

ps: a few days to go. i feel sick. -_-

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

There is no fun in being apart

dah masuk 2nd week of the month dah. sekejap jer masa berlalu. and with that, i realized now that we have only like 15 days to be around, hanging out together, both me and husband. when he is around, it's like i forgotten that he will leave me for 6 months, for the training which is compulsory to him ( and everyone else).

susah bila bayangkan that he won't be around for quite a long time. i already get used to him being around myself, and being a jerk,haahaha...a jerk in a terms of naughty and childish and annoys me everytime. ada this one time ni, he was arguing with me of him not having enough space in a closet and i was the one who conquered the closet. well of course la, i have more things compared to him thus the space obviously. so he was like bising-bising and because of kedengkian he kept yelling at me to sort my things and not berterabur and disorganized like that. well, i love my things to be berterabur like that. when i feel like sorting my things, i will do it nicely and perfectly baby..*flip hair*

one day i saw my baju like being pull from the closet and tak berlipat balik, but actually i was the one who did that ( i kan clumsy). tapi me trying to be annoying i said "kenapa baju i terkeluar ni..u buat eh?". pastu dia maca terasa and said "bukan i la. takpe la..i nak keluar dari rumah etc etc etc...". so i was like so sad, and had my own silent moment in the kitchen. and me being girly, i was crying in the kitchen when he came at me. hahaha...i yang nak kacau dia, i pulak yang nangis. hahaha...

and ada this one moment (not just this moment tapi like everytime pun..) he keeps on throwing my food from the fridge into the dustbin and kept on membebel that i'm the one who loves to store things and ended up not eating, and the food become spoil and contaminated and stuff. so what? it's a food, and i can even eat a spoiled food when i feel like eating. just don't throw away my food.

and because of that i sulked while cooking. i diam je (which is a common thing to do when i had a fight with him..haha). he knows me very well, he knows me when i am in a bad mood, when i have a problem, when i terasa hati dengan dia, and when i need a fight with him. and usually he will come to me, and hug me and say sorry and stuff, and me? being a one happy wife at home. ehehe...

don't you think i will miss all of these?? don't you think i will miss him being around me being bossy and all?? dengan siapa i nak berborak. we always have a everyday talk when he pick me at the station, and we keep on talking until we reach our house. i think i will get so lonely when he isn't around. sedangkan everytime pergi kerja pun, kat ofis pun both of us keep on sending love message, inikan pula dah jauh macam ni.

these day, i won't let go even a second to be apart from him. hug him and kiss him whenever i can. i know i won't get this opportunity within 15 days and the next 6 months. he is my damn best friend at home. ;(

but the worst part is, i will wake up each and every morning without him next to me.. the one that i look up to see every time..every time.. ;(

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


i'm majoring in chemistry which, it was not my choice at the first place. i'm more to a biology person, but too lazy to read and memorize things. hahaha....chemistry was tough. and will always be. hahaha...especially inorganic chemistry, because we can see them. atom? do you (actually) see atom? nope. but we know it is there.hahaha something like that la..

semalam masak jugak ayam goreng bercili. is not like ayam goreng bercili pun, die macam ayam masak sweet sour. sedap sebab i buat pedas. kesian la husband, tapi tengok dia macam okay jer.hehehehe... pastu 30mins after makan, we went for a jog. i sebenarnye semalam penat gila, sebab 6 hours class the whole day, plus husband fetched me a bit late, dia banyak kerja, so reached home by 8pm macam tu. masak and makan. haruslah kan penat.

tapi memikirkan husband nak pergi kursus ketahanan diri, layankan jugak la. tapi lepas nie tak boleh jog dah, swimming boleh. tihiii... balik usband tak sempat mandi dah terlelap dengan peluh-peluh jog. he was trying to run as fast as me, he can and he was damn tired after that. tido terus. hahahaha...

around 11.4pm macam tu kejut dia mandi, and by the time i habis mandi, dia dah tidur kat katil. cute!tu la, semangat sangat nak lari laju-laju macam i. hihihhih...

this friday i nak tidur rumah my mum, pastu malam tu i nak husband fetch me at the event place. terus balik our own sweet home.heee...or the other way round. okay jugak kan??

oklah dear, nak sambung buat kerja. bye!

Monday, September 3, 2012

A great jog

On sunday morning we had a long jog from our house until Sri Satria, the official house for Vice President of Malaysia, Tan Sri Muhydin Yasin (hope I spelled it right!). It was a great morning. We promised to start our jog at 7am but manageable to leave the house at 7.50am. Thanks to husband who loves to roll over the bed.. Prfttt..

It was a great morning :) , the sun shined pretty bright, the air was cool and breezy. I think it was about 2km per way, so we had almost 4km jog that morning. Not tired but a bit reluctant because we had to go up and down a mini hill. Eh susah tau..hahaha..

I ran while listening to my mp3 and husband was way behind.hahaha..he jog pretty slow but maintaning his steps while me, I jog a bit fast compared to him but get tired easily. But if I were to follow his steps, I will reach home by its better to 'find' my own way home. The faster way. Hahaha..

Then we stopped by a place near our house to have our cool down session. Husband excitedly went up the stairs while I waited for him downstairs and did my own cool down session. Then I went up and seat on the stairs looking at Wisma Putra and nearby places.

It was still early at about 8.40am and the place was so quiet. I really really enjoyed that quiet moment just the two of us on the stairs, when there were only a few cars passing by, and they don't even notice us there, and we were soaked in our own sweat, but can still have our own sweet pet talk.

Husband being so nice these few days,( he is a really nice guy but after being a husband, lagi la nice..tihhii). I just in love with that guy from the past 8 years.

Balik tu I cooked nasi lemak with sambal telur, and he enjoyed his meal. I said to him that you can have nasi lemak if only you have a 1 hour jog. Hehehe...kesian dia kena buli.

Tengah hari tu both of us pengsan. What a great nap. Golek-golek berdua depan tv dengan pintu semi-open. Nice.

Malam singgah rumah MIL makan kueyteow. I had a stomachacHe so I just sit there doing nothing.before that we went to carefour to buy a few things. He treats me by buying me some prune and potato bun. Yummmy! By 11 we went home from MIL's.

And today is a working day. Oh well, I'm beginning to miss my husband, my friend, oh my very best friend, my enemy (when it comes to finding things and sorting things), and my lover. I always love him, and will always be..:)

Ps: malam ni nak masak ayam goreng bercili!
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