ok. shock sangat malam nie. i got a good news- my ex is getting married next year!!or perhaps it was a bad news?but somehow deep inside my heart, i feel relief. sebab i tahu, he doesn't have any heart and hope at me, and i don't have to be guilty and pretended like i still love him. well, i did love him-as a friend.
but he's still young. my ex is a year younger than me, and his soon-to-be wife is a year younger than him. dulu dia cakap, dia akan getting married at the age of 30 but last night when i was ym-ing him, he told me the whole story.
memang terkejut sangat since i think i need him as a close friend now, lagi-lagi bila dilanda musibah bencana alam yang datang tak diundang ni, but what else can i do?people dah move on. i think i need to move on with my life jugak. although we did have some history back then, but i don't think i need to be clinging onto somebody as if like we have something ke ape.
so tadi i told him not to be close to some of his girl friends, takut his soon-to-be wife get jealous or something, boleh timbul fitnah and everything. i told him untuk jaga that girl sebaik mungkin without ever hurting her. i cakap jugak jangan msg i (and other girls too) selalu, unless it is something important like life-and-death situation.
hrm, even my exes pon dah nak kahwin. dah la lagi muda.
at one point, i just feel i need to build my own family, and have kids, and ada suami yang mencintai kita sepenuh jiwa dan raga. kan?? it should be fun, balik rumah, cuddling2 dengan hubby, and get a good night sleep, esok pagi bangun nampak muka dia lagi, cuddling2 lagi, maybe ask him to get an EL, so that boleh cuddling2 lagi.
alhamdulilah. i am happy for my ex. although i tak sangka sesecepat ini, but i think he really did a good job with his future. atleast dia tahu apa yang penting dalam hidup dia. i doakan everything will go well for him.and bahagia hingga akhir hayat dia.
so now,i will go hunting. any single lion out there?rrooaarr!!
ps: ok. from now on, i will stop hunting. im the bait. eat me! teehee..
Fast Forward to 2022
3 years ago
8 Kata bijak pandai:
what's with the smile?haha..mne hilang la kamu?;)
what's with the smile?haha..mne hilang la kamu?;)
what's with the smile?haha..mne hilang la kamu?;)
what's with the smile?haha..mne hilang la kamu?;)
what's with the smile?haha..mne hilang la kamu?;)
Amboi sampai tanya banyak kali haha. Senyum sebab suka tengok atttitude yang positif. Tak hilang pun, cuma menyepi je :)
tertekan byk kali la..ni la padah guna mobile web..haha!!
thanks untuk senyuman itu.=)
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