Kalau kat office,kite datang awal like 30mins awal,takde sape pun kisah.tapi even kalau kite punch out tepat 5.30pm,sume dah dok tanye "awal balik hari ni?". Eh,rasa nak bagi selipar jer.I don't know la bout you people, tapi I rarely cakap macam tu kat orang laen since it is quite annoying and offended (at least to me) sebab mungkin orang tu ada hal ke ape.lagipun the bos bayar gaji sampai pukul 5.30 jer.and the fact yang dia datang awal tu tak kau kira?.
Tapi baguslah kalau you kerja over time without getting paid example kerja gov yang OT pun xde.tapi tak payah citer la elaun korang banyak.
Mind your own business, buat kerja sendiri, jangan jaja cerita kat office,jangan take advantage with the office's flexibility, and jangan tunjuk pandai sangat.
Last, attitude tu jaga sikit.
Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone
Fast Forward to 2022
3 years ago
1 Kata bijak pandai:
ak setuju sgt ngn ko....dulu org penah gak ckp kt ak.tepat je kol 12.ak da ilang.padahal i'm suppose to be the last person to leave office that day,kira mcm kumpulkn keje2 org lain,compile...so org ingat kene blk lambat la....
then ak pon jwb.gaji ak hanya dibayar sampai kol 12 shj.so ak ak xkn wat keje lebih drp tu...lgpn ak da settle everything b4 kol 12 kn.so what's d prob?hahaha....
so now,dorg da get used yg ak akan blah tepat pada masanya,hari2....org pertama keluar drp pintu office,group pertama masuk lift.boley?hehehe
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