I have my own mission since early last month.so far it does look good but still the 'other temptation' ada lagi but I have to control. Trust me, when the time comes, I will let the whole world know. No. Bukan kahwin.
So far kerja semakin bagus.I love my job and I love what I'm doing now. And I love the people around me. When you enter an organization, you can see many colours. Kadang2 cantik, kadang2 tak. Tapi I take it as colour yang tak popular yang trying hard to be popular.
Mulai saat ini,upload entry nak buat dari phone terus. Sebab nampak sangat tak utilize semua faedahnya walaupun bayar senak-senak perut gak la.
Next month salary:
1.Handbag pleasee..(Or Pending birthday present?)
3.Makeup set..(Or pending birthday present?)
4. Makan sedap
*1,3,4 mcm utk bf je*
Maka dengan ini, I have to wait for encik bf dari oversea la..2minggu lagi..alaa..
Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone
Fast Forward to 2022
3 years ago
1 Kata bijak pandai:
is there some part for me? hihihi ;p
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