Apparently my babygirl was diagnosed (eh boleh guna ke diagnosed ni?haha) with tounge tie, atau orang melayu panggil lidah pendek. tapi dalam bahasa medical term is brother dulu masa dia kecik-kecik pun ade benda ni, and my brother in law pun ade tounge tie but he doesn't go for the procedure sebab dia bukan major sangat pun. he can speak well.
it's all in the gene bebeh, hahaha....anyway, so we were lucky sebab my mother perasan yang sophea was having the same problem macam my brother.
ade a few things yang sophea buat yang leads to tounge tie. antaranya:
1. bila breastfeed, my nipple will hurt so much and bleeds sebab ade cut. i think mungkin sophea sucked my boobs kuat sangat, atau since she cant hold it with her tounge so dia kemam dengan gusi dia kot.
2. bila menyusu, she can't lick her lips, or to clean her own mouth. so i kena la lap selalu susu dia tu.
3. jarang menangis or menangis ada bunyik tenggelam sikit dan tak nyaring. (but sophea memang jarang nangis but when she cries, OH EM GEE sangat kuat gilerr....hahaha)
4. dia tak boleh keluarkan lidah.
so, masa first2 kitorang nak check sophea's tounge, we went to Klinik Kesihatan (goverment) sebab masa tu pon sophea's punye check up, dah alang2 tu kan tanya sekali. so it was the doctor said it might be tounge tie, but she asked me to go for specialist sebab dia general doctor sahaja bukan peds (aik,tapi kerja kat klinik ibu dan anak....aaaa camne ni?)
then we went to hospital pusrawi kajang, sebab sophea pernah check up kat situ pasal skin and sunat. so dah ade record, and kitorang tau kat situ dah ade peds, and lagi satu dekat dengan rumah mother in law, so hence. then kat situ the peds, Dr Baizura cakap memang tounge tie, so dia just buat referral letter to pediatrician surgeon. kitorang mintak dia buat dua surat; satu untuk government hospital, and satu lagi private hospital.
then kitorang pergi KPJ Tawakal untuk set up appointment. we met with the famous doctor, Dr Zahrin. but actually we dont have to meet him, sepatutnye kite terus jumpe peds surgeon sebab dah ade referral letter tu. but takpelah, belajar dari kesilapan. then Dr Zahrin referred us to the pediatrician surgeon, Dr Zulkilfli. masa jumpe Dr Zahrin tu pagi, then appointment dengan Dr Zulkifli tu kul 2.30pm. kitorang balik tu kemas2 rumah nak pindah from KL to Putrajaya.
so kul 2.30pm sampailah kitorang kat klinik Dr Zulkifli. ade 3 orang sebelum kitorang. ingatkan cepat, sekali kul 3.30pm jugaklah masuk.
sophea was placed on the surgery table. the Dr put his two fingers under sophea's tounge to hold it. in just 10seconds, the Dr cut her extra membrane (causes of tounge tie) and so she screamed out loud. anesthetic watsoever. i guess it hurt alot sebab ade bleeding and sophea nangis dah macam apa. i terfikir jugak kenapa Dr tak bagi bius but i guess he knows better.
so to stop the bleeding, i was given a cotton swab to put some pressure on the cut. dalam 30mints camtu, darah stop dah. we were not allowed to give her milk or pacifier so i just pujuk2 dia and dodoikan die tu calm her down.
(mommy was crying sebab tak pernah tengok sophea sakit macam tu...sobs...even mommy can feel your pain sayang....sobs sobs...)
after that, Dr asked to check on sophea again. and she was smiling and giggles at the Dr. prfttt.....
malam tu dia ade fever sikit, maybe sebab badan dia tahan sakit cut tu kan. we gave her some liquid paracetamol, and after a few hours baru dia nak tido. meragam sikit la malam tu. merengek-rengek.
sophea was okay. sekarang suka main saliva dia sendiri. prfttt....orang baru dapat lidah katenye...hahaha...
all together, daddy paid dalam rm400++ camtu kot. so not that expensive pun. but lobang jugakklah wallet daddy and lepas tu mommy takleh request nak makan chillis...hahahaha...
whatever it is, kitorang bersyukur sangat semua selamat untuk sophea. hopefully dia akan jadi sihat and berjaya in whatever things she do. mommy and daddy just boleh doakan and tunjuk jalan yang baik untuk sophea. but semua terpulang kat sophea macam mana nak jadi orang yang berjaya dalam hidup.
Fast Forward to 2022
3 years ago
1 Kata bijak pandai:
Berapa bulan masa operate tu?Anak saya pun tongue tie.
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