
Sunday, May 19, 2013

Tips Membeli Stroller

setiap orang ada criteria sendiri when buying strollers. i do have my own set of criteria when buying my first baby stroller. and i wanted to share with anyone who possibly looking for a stroller, especially untuk first baby, and still tak tau what to do, how to choose etc etc.

[My Criteria]
1. Folding type
-my main priority
-kene tau jenis kereta kita. means if you have small car/compact car/town car, adalah disarankan untuk membeli stroller yang boleh folding jadi sekecil-kecil umat. hahaha... so it's either boleh fit in dalam bonet kereta or seat belakang, and still got extra spaces untuk letak barang lain.
-kalau setakat pergi shopping oklah kan, tapi kalau balik kampung kan susah? so stroller yang tidak memakan space adalah pilihan utama.
- unless you have a big car with a big bonnet, you should skip this part...hehehe!
-suggestion beli umbrella folding untuk compact mine!

2. Weight
-since stroller is meant to be push, kalau berat pun takpelah kirenye, sebab tu dia jatuh to my second priority.
- dapat cari stroller yang folding kecik and ringan adalah paling bagus.
- berat yang i cari adalah dalam 4kgs to 6kgs. tu pun dah berat sangat. kalau ringan boleh masuk handbag kan bagus...hahaha...

3. Duration of usage
- kalau boleh cari stroller yang boleh guna dari newborn sampai umur 5 ke 6 tahun would be nice.
- tapi jarang la ade stroller yang offer newborn sampai a few years. basically dari 6months and above.
- sebab kalau dari new born mesti boleh fully recline sampai 180 degrees (penting!)

4. Brand
- penting sebab contohnya a certain brand yang dah lama establish dalam market, kita boleh tau the quality is good. sebab tu dia boleh bertahan dalam market.
- penting sebab certain brand offers worldwide warranty dan bukan setakat warranty kedai jer.
- brand jugak since dia dah establish lama dalam market, safety dia mestilah sangat bagus, means kalau la ade stroller dia yang tergolek dan mencederakan bayi, mestilah dah kene saman and out of the market. hihihhihi...

5. Pricing
- at the end of the day, bila semua criterias above were met, pricing jugaklah yang memainkan peranan.
- everyone knows when you pay for a stroller yang sangat sangat bagus, harga dia mestilah mahal gilos.
- so untuk orang yang not earn like a CEO (yup!it's me!), ukurlah baju di badan sendiri kak. jangan menyusahkan diri dan keluarga yer.


being me, whatever i choose must be perfectly perfect (for me) and i would have been satisfied with my buying. knowing that we have the power of purchasing, and the power to choose (over internet especially). encik husband will ALWAYS have the final say, almost on everything. he leaves me with the research, surveying etc etc, and if it's his turn to pay, he WILL have the final say. tapi yela kan, benda yang 'kita' nak tu mestilah kite cerita yang pros je (and cons tu sikit2 je...hahahaha), pengaruh lebih sikit.

and yes, we had already received our first baby stroller after all the hardwork (kumpul duit tiap bulan) dan penantian.

 MacLaren Quest 2012 in Medieval Blue/Scarlet

Finally, me and encik husband decided to buy MacLaren Quest 2012 after we went through all sorts of brand for baby strollers. setelah mempertimbangkan apa yang sepatutnya, criteria yang i mentioned above ade lah sedikit sebanyak terkena.

1. Folding
- MacLaren Quest adalah umbrella folding, maka dia takkan amek space yang banyak.
- kekurangan dia bila folding, dia tak boleh lipat dua setelah umbrella folding macam stroller biasa, jadi dia agak panjang untuk bonnet town car. tapi still dia amek half of the bonnet instead of all (beg balik kampung nak letak mane kann..)
- husband pun yeay!!

2. Weight
- MacLaren Quest hanya seberat 6kgs including hood and shopping basket.
- a bit tad heavy compare dengan Combi WC yang 4.2kg saje. Combi was our first choice tapi sebab dia tak boleh umbrella folding dan harga mahal (melebihi bajet kitorang).
- lepas folding and suruh encik husband angkut kat bahu, he said yes. so yeayy!!

3. Duration of Usage
- yang ni paling penting (bila nak memenangi hati suami...hehehe).
- i cakap walaupun harga mahal, tapi MacLaren Quest boleh pakai dari newborn sampai la budak umur 4 5 tahun, which is approx. 25kgs. so kire la bape lame boleh pakai. i've read somewhere kat blog, anak dia dah umur 6 tahun pun still tolak pakai MacLaren yang dia mula-mula beli (walaupun ade sign of wear and tear macam gabus kat handle etc etc)
- sambil cakap sambil tunjuk bukti kat encik husband. so yeay!!

4. Brand
- yang ni i tak payah nak elaborate panjang-panjang kot.
-telah berada didalam market dari 1967 and founded by Owen Finlay MacLaren.
- despite ade certain years yang product dia not good and they called them back, still i read a good reviews from the users of their strollers.
- warranty ada dua i- Basic MacLaren Warranty ii- Sovereign Lifetime Warranty. boleh baca details kat web diorang.

5. Pricing
- MacLaren Quest adalah sangat cheap di UK and cost only 75pound, which is equivalent to RM300 saja.
- Kat malaysia, the price is from RM1399.
- since we got a good bargain, eh takdelah good bargain sangat but the the kedai ada buat promotion Mother's day (and this one i have to thanked encik husband sebab dia yang stumbled upon the advert).
- so kitorang dapat less than RM1399.
- so yeay!!!

lepas dah order, i saw this one colour yang i suka sangat sampai i pujuk encik husband untuk tukar kan kaler dia.

ni haa...

MacLaren Quest 2011 in Black/ Scarlet

tapi i rasa ni model lama kot. looking at the tyre and handle. tapi kalau dapat pun takpe. cantik sangat kaler dia. but whatever it is, im so happy sebab encik husband telah menunaikan cita-cita i. semoga daddy baby pie dimurahkan rezeki , dengan kesihatan yang baik, dan bahagia disamping keluarga tercinta. we love you so much daddy and thank you so much sebab jaga kitorang sebaik-baiknya.

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