we had our monthly programme with the family (big family including nenek and uncles/aunties) to have our Yassin's Night. basically kalau ada family gathering (actually tiap minggu pun ada je perjumpaan macam makan-makan ke, celebration ke, kenduri-kendara ke), kitorang buat sekali sembahyang berjemaah ke, makan-makan, and celebration sekali macam birthdays and everything.
but semalam punya gathering inclusive:
1. birthday my sister in law
2. doa selamat for the arrival of my baby and sister in law punyer baby.
3. doa selamat untuk my sister and cousins kat all over the world yang sedang sibuk exam.
4. tahlil untuk ahli keluarga yang lain
so nenek buat for me pulut kuning and rendang daging paru limpa super sedap dengan bubur hitam putih (orang jawa selalu buat untuk doa selamat) untuk i menghadapi kelahiran. my uncle doakan bubur itu (jangan isu khurafat plak sebab doa kat bubur..hahaha) and i dengan sister in law makan dengan penuh doa supaya baby pie kitorang sihat dan proses kelahiran berjalan lancar.
menu for last night: KFC, nasi lemak bungkus, pulut kuning, rendang daging, roti john (we bought!), agar-agar merah, agar-agar santan laici, kek secret recipe, homemade red velvet cake, karipap, air sirap laici, sambal telur.
semua super sedap! =)
but there are things that i really touched by............ =)
encik husband,
sorry if i tak faham you balik kerja penat and all i want from you is your attention and undivided love. walaupun u penat, i kept on talking and kacau u as if a little girl wants the attention from the father. we had solat jemaah together and baca yassin sesama. it was a nice feeling wasn't it, although you kat depan and i kat belakang.=)
sorry i tak sempat nak amikkan you food and drinks and you went to the table all by yourself as my kaki hurt me the most nowadays. when i said "my foot hurts..." i really mean it and not being a cry-baby. and i don't even want you to rasa the sakit sebab it really hurts...especially time solat. i hope lepas baby pie keluar, it doesn't hurt me as much as right now. =)
sorry kalau selama i pregnant ni, i tak layan you as perfect as before. sebab kadang-kadang i nak bawak diri i pun tak larat, especially in the morning when i had to wake up to go to work. kalau ikot rasa hati, nak je i sambung tido and dengan you2 sekali i tarik tido, but i know kalau i buat macam tu, memang you takkan bangun...hehe...we don't want that negative attitude inherited by baby pie kan?
oh, sorry kalau the house is not as clean as what you expected it to be, especially my bathroom. thank you sayang for spending the time and energy to clean up mine (and yours too!).
thank you semalam bukakkan jam i and all the wedding rings as i memang dah flat sangat2 that if you tak bukakkan pun, i would rather sleep than spending 30 seconds of my time bukak jam...thanks lapkan muka i dengan baby wipes (i bet kalau keluar jerawat lepas ni tau dah sebab ape)...i rasa semua yang you buat, tapi i can't even open my eyes.
sorry tak tunggu sayang nak tidur semalam, sebab the last thing i remembered was you entering the bathroom, and that's it! -_________-
sorry jugak tak sempat potongkan you mangga yang you nak tu, but i try to cut the mangga for you malam ni k?we spend the night watching movie kat living hall k as seminggu ni hari-hari kita keluar malam and balik rumah untuk tidur jer. sorry kalau you rasa i lack of kat mane-mane but everyday i tried so hard and berdoa yang i akan selalu menjadi isteri yang terbaik untuk u...=)
ok sayang...can't wait to meet you tonight...kite nak makan ape malam ni?=) i'll cook!
Fast Forward to 2022
3 years ago
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