ye. itulah kejadian yang berlaku di office tadi di mana both HR and Programme manager sudah datang my office and asked for an updated list of clients from my collegues, tapi satu updated pun diorang tak not sure whether diorang tak buat or what. gosh!i never (of course) seen such scene and since i was in another boss's room so biarkan jela the other staff kena marah.
me?im a newbie and since these two days i was quite rajin buat kerja, the boss just smile at me and walked away. tadi masa nak punch card the boss yang paling marah tadi boleh senyum jer kat i. see how nice??
actually it was my adhoc job, as i said earlier my job requirement will only be fulfill in January. macam biasa facilitate program tak buat lagi. ape ada hal??
tadi agak letih sebab kena berhadap dengan boss dalam bilik tolong dia. i put my handphone and a bunch of hacks and air mineral atas meja. looking at the phone alternately. my bf pun busy jugak lately (biasala nak tutup akaun akhir tahun) so takde plak die nak kerap sms dengan i. kadang-kadang jer.
oh by the way, last few days i buat kerja of an iran guy, he's the operational exec. so i think im quite good at the task yela asyik buat tu je. came a newbie, and my boss had to explain to her twice before she could understand the whole thing. and had to tunjuk sample templates lagi. my boss tak payah tunjuk sampai habis pun i've already understand the whole thing masa mula-mula buat.
im not saying she's no good, but i'm better.
post ini untuk seseorang yang masih rasa sangsi dengan keupayaan saya..*wink*
hope esok adalah hari yang baik jugak.feel good today. sebab dah mula gain confidence. and i juga dah pandai pick up phone from my boss's table. you know la, yang call my boss sudah pasti the top management and everything. oh tadi i angkat call from media prima. media prima? rasa macam artis pulak.
by the way, kasut putus lalu kat jalan kerikil masa nak amik tatum. sudah pasti sabtu nie beli kasut baru! \(^^)/
Fast Forward to 2022
3 years ago
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