trip to singapore will be the perfect gateway. i feel so lonely la kat malaysia nie, cewaahh...tapi tiba-tiba rasa malas jugak nak pergi. prefer to stay at home sorang2, tidur, online, masak italian food, where the rest of my family pergi our vacation home, for a vacation.
since my uncles and atuk-atuk ada kat singapore, and i have (at least) a singaporean blood, so tak salah balik kampung sesekali. cuma without the parents la. i can't even remember rumah diorang sebab selalu dengan parents, kita mengikut jer.
but this time pergi dengan my dear friend and two others. it should be fun, perhaps!!
there's nothing to buy there, sebab sing dolar quite expensive compared tu us. tapi still jugak diorang shopping kat malaysia. what the heck la.
so sekarang tengah cuba letak semangat untuk pack baju.teehee...
ps: mamat singapore hensem2 ke? kalau suara sedap macam taufik batisah pun okay dah.
Fast Forward to 2022
3 years ago
1 Kata bijak pandai:
eiiii dtg johor tak pernah jumpe ai tau. :P
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