i went for a movie with my bf semalam. he said he wanted to watch megamind, tapikan megamind banyak betul pengaruh illuminati so i macam malas sangat nak tengok. so macam rasa nak tengok life as we know it, tapi macam tak worth it la tengok genre drama for a movie. baik tengok action movie yang cost them like trillion, barula okay.kan?so, unstoppable la jawapan yang kita cari.
called him to buy online ticket. lepas jumpa masa beli popcorn, dia kata he bought the tickets long before i ask him to do so..sweet plak rasa dia buat camtu.. i guess we were sort of having the same idea, signals, wavelength. teehee...but i'm glad.
ok. citer unstoppable memang psycho gila. it's about two trains on the same exact railway and one of them takde driver and bawak hazardous chemical yang boleh letupkan the whole city!!i never thought i was sooo into that movie, you know what i did??i squeezed his hand like mad!!sebab cerita tu panic sangat and the hero is so handsome like im melting (not denzel washington) memang tak sedar i was holding his hand too tight. it was funny and embarassing too sebab selalunya im not the one yang pejam2 mata bila tengok cerita hantu ke, yang terkejut-terkejut bila cerita meletup ke ape, but this movie kan, gosh...terbawak-bawak perasaannya!! bila mood cerita tu dah neutral baru la terperasan betapa kuatnya the squeezing..hahahaha!!
malam tu hujan plak. we were hoping to find a malay restaurant which will provide an astro service sebab nak tengok EPL. malangnya takde, and we were so hungry during that time sebab tak lunch yela keluar pukul 3 movie 4.15pm habis dah nak malam, memang dinner terus la. we can't even think about it, i mean tempat nak makan.
bought a caramel frapuccino and headed home. dalam kereta we were having like a political talk, of course bukan pasal politik, tapi lebih kepada how your character behave and response towards certain people. more or less, both of us adalah sama. ha'ah, sama rupenyer kita and perhaps sebab dia adalah lelaki, rationality dia lebih sikit compare to us, perempuan.
anyway, we ate at a new thai restaurant inside a shopping complex. it ain't that expensive but it was not an ordinary dish. tomyam memang sangat terbaik. arrived around 8.30pm and balik around 10pm. to have a not-so-love-talk with him adalah sangat terbaik. i get the chance to know him better. his thoughts and idea.
apa yang terharu sangat ialah his a big fan of football especially the EPL. tapi semalam dia tak kisah pun of not watching the match over our dinner. you know la guys, kalau dah minat certain benda tu, bola selalunya mesti nak pergi tengok. but semalam was "our own sweet time". so, choosing me instead of the match, was really something special and meant a lot to me.
i guess somehow im also important in his life, right?
Fast Forward to 2022
3 years ago
3 Kata bijak pandai:
unstoppable best eh? i watched megamind with hint last week, dia yg nak tgk, tapi ai tdo halfway tu right after popcorn habes dimakan. haha~
tu tertido mkn popcorn la she nie..hihihih!!!!
megamind best ke?unstoppable citer die penuh debaran...=)
megamind tak best. next wed ingat nak tgk movie, tgh pikir ni nak tgk unstoppable ke harry potter 7.
haikel nak tgk harry potter 7.
ai nak tgk unstoppable la.
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