Being in love with the same guy for over 8 years is just PERFECT. And now after 8 years we are together, on 8th year of friendship, love-friendship, we get married eventually. Oh boy, I never ever thought that marriage would be this awesome. And I am happy. I do.
Despite of all the gaduh2 we had for the past 2 months kahwin, it bring us closer. Closer than I could've imagine. But sebenarnya seronok jugak gaduh ni, hahahaha... And of having a husband yang bukan kaki pujuk, camne? Hikhik..he's loving, and pampered me with these and that, tapi bab pujuk mesti dia macam fail sikit.
And right now I missed him like madddddddd. He's out of town and I'm staying at mum's house. Bukan la nak cakap mengada2, tapi kalau dah setiap malam tidur sama, memang terasa sangat bila dia takde. And I can't even sleep last night. Sikit-sikit terbangun tengok tepi. And he's not there.
By 5am I dah fully awake. Mata terkebil-kebil pandang siling. And then I remembered tiap malam encik suami bising sebab bukak lampu. Dia kata badan kita boleh sense light and they won't sleep. Selalu je dia bebel2 macam tu and don't even tired of repeating the same thing, and I'm not even tired to menyakitkan hati dia, buat pekak je. Hahaha..
By the time azan, I called him. For subuh prayer. He asked, " awal bangun sayang?". Teehee...and I said I can't sleep bla bla bla. I missed him I guess. Kalau kat rumah kitorang, bangun pukul 6 bukan terus sembahyang, borak2 dulu pagi2 pastu sambung tido, pukul 7 baru bangun.
So today dia balik. I asked him to balik awal. And we might go for a dinner. Dating la katenye. Teehee...
Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone
Fast Forward to 2022
3 years ago
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