Siapa tak tau Big Bad Wolf tu apa? well, it is just another expo that sells super cheap books. oh wait there my friend. when i said super cheap books, it is REALLY cheap man!! in example, normally a book that cost us like rm150 will only cost you rm8 to rm20 max. gila damn cheap i went crazy when i arrived at the expo.
i had been pestering my brother and sister in law to go to this Bid Bad Wolf thing for almost a week since they lived nearby The Mines.oh right. i had to kacau diorang because my husband is not around so i need as much help from people around me...hahaha...padahal boleh jer nak drive sendiri tapi malas kan. no, not malas. is more about takut sesat jalan tetibe dah kat Australasia, ha caner? -_____-
sekali husband balik pulak hari sabtu tu, so he caught my bait (unintentionally la kan...). when i arrived home around 8pm macam tu, kitorang siap and went for a dinner at Ramal Food junction, you know a huge food court next to highway heading to cheras/kajang. what we had that night:
1. Apple Juice and Orange Juice
2. 2 basket of otak-otak
3. satay willy 20 sticks(omg..super sedap but the line was soooo long we waited almost 1hour tapi worth it...yummy!!)
4. nasi goreng ikan masin with telur dadar
5. abang burn burger bakar 3 tingkat
total damaged : RM50++. thank you encik husband. and yes, i only ate satay and the rest perut beliau.
so we finished and heading to The Mines for this Big Bad Wolf. arrived around 11pm. it was not packed until around 2.00am. perghhh...makin ramai plak datang. me and encik husband went on our separate ways to find our books.
at first i managed to grab many books, but at last i filtered my choices because i don't want to end up not reading the books and just wasting my money. i know books are not cheap and it was a good bargain, tapi knowing myself that loves cooking more than reading..(and sleeping too!), i guess amik yang penting je la. end up buku untuk i dua jer, buku encik husband 5 . apakah?
buku yang kitorang pilih:
1. dummies for sudoku
2. buku on marriage
3. culture shock britain
4. ghost stories -singapore
5. eerie tales
6. yup...another ghost stories book
7. persuasive speaker
buku i mesti lah yang first dua jer, yang lain encik husband.-______-
kitorang kat sana dalam pukul 11 sampai 4.30 pagi macam tu. super ngantuk but tak terasa nak balik sebab best gila okay. serius encik husband kalau teman shopping pun takdenye dia nak jalan berdiri lama-lama macam tu, but this time, dia still standing despite baru balik kursus.
bila balik menyesal sebab tetiba teringat buku-buku yang di filter. terus encik husband cakap, kalau dia balik weekend ni, kita pergi lagi yer sayang...wehuu!!!!i love my boyfriend. hikhik...i nak amek buku gossip girls i, tak kira.
anyway balik tu lepas mandi gosok gigi apa semua, kitorang pun panjat katil, and started to review the books that we already bought. then i said,
"sayang...i nak read yang singaporean ghost stories ni la. u teman i k?". masa tu dalam pukul 5 pagi.
"ok yayang...". then he put his head on my shoulder. i feel secured.
i read out loud the first few lines on the page,
"pontianak is a common ghost here in singapore. the long hair with an eerie laughter....."
Fast Forward to 2022
3 years ago
2 Kata bijak pandai:
hey sis. u know what. i've done reading your blog dari awal smpai this entry. i google pasal pelamin putih tapi i jumpe link blog you pasal warisan andaman mende tah. biaselah budak budak takde keje gatal nak tahu pasal design pelamin yg off white. sekarang i bagi link blog u kat kemba i pulak soh die bace. seriusly la i like your blog. even u cite pasal life u lepas kahwin. it's so sweet.. tak de gedik ke ape. i like de way you write. macam diary you. dan u takde kesah pun nak upload gambar u ke. hehe. well. i doakan u n husband u yg sweet to the max tu berkekalan sampai la ke syurga. amin. and can't wait to see your baby which's your love pie. ehhe. jgan tinggal semayang okeyh sis. may Allah bless. jaga diri jaga iman. take care. :)
hye dear sis..;)
thanks for dropping by yea..
thanks for the doa for me, husband. and our baby pie...itu sgt2 bermakna..;)
insyaAllah cuba untuk x tinggal sembahyang...
thanks again dear...;)
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