
Thursday, November 22, 2012

The Wedding Ring (bukan cerita nak beli kat mana)

But but,  if you asked me (hahaha!) where to buy the perfect wedding ring, of course i would say Tiffany&Co. or Cartier, tapi untuk orang yang biasa-biasa with a budget, of course Habib Jewels will be my choice. i was quite sceptical dengan wedding ring yang kedai biasa-biasa jual, but if you have the knowledge on how to buy a ring (in emas, emas putih, berlian), i would put my hands down for kedai emas kat Kelantan, orang simply said emas kelantan. why kelantan? i don't know. orang kata emas kelantan bagus and they sell them quite cheap.

afterall, it's your choice. beli emas is like investment. bukan murah yang kita beli, paling-paling pun rm2000 punya emas. kalau emas tu kate 916 tapi bila cek tipu belaka, tak ke kecewa?Habib Jewels is known for their status and reputable coverage. so kalau dia nak tipu, buat jer press conference ke blog about it ke apa.

my cincin risik (cincin belah rotan) is emas putih, boyfriend (at that time) bought at Wah Chan. my engagement ring is a solitaire (diamond and emas putih) bought at Habib. and my gold wedding ring (or we call it wedding band) we bought at Habib too. but we bought rantai and gelang (emas) in kedai Kelantan. and yes, i only wear all three of the rings and none of the rantai or gelang. hahaha...

ha tengok, kan dah tercerita pasal cincin kahwin. :P


"whenever i saw the ring on his finger, 
it reminds me of the vows we made, 
the responsibilities 
that we are willing to take, 
the love we promised not to break "

so i sent this long message to encik husband yang sedang berkursus. semangat kan cipta ayat bunga-bunga. eh, you all tak tau ke i ni memang tak boleh tengok suami sendiri hidup senang. ada je nak mengacau dia.hahaha....i expected him to reply, "you are so sweet sayang...i love you..of course i remember that...". tau dia jawab apa?

"kenapa on my finger. not yours?" ha ha ha. kurang asam!

pastu i jawab,

"of course it should be on your fingers. sebab bila you pakai our wedding ring, i tau you tak lupa about our marriage. bila you pakai our wedding ring, i tau you sentiasa ingat you dah kahwin, dah ada wife."

Him: " ye sayang. of course la ingat. tapi kita kan manusia and we tend to forgot. sebab tu kadang-kadang terlupa nak pakai."
Me: "oh yer? kalau i TERlupa i cintakan you boleh?" *mode nak start gaduh*

Him: " eh?yang tu tak boleh la...hahaha!"
Me: "oh bila tang i je tak boleh kan....hahaha...."

Him: " habis sayang tu selalu je terlupa pakai wedding ring. siap tertinggal cincin kat ofis semua.."
Me: " eh i takpe. walaupun i tak pakai, tapi i memang cintakan u pun...hehe"

hahaha...nampak sangat conversation tak fair kat situ kan? that's what we always talk about. benda-benda nonsense je pun, i mean who cares about wearing your wedding ring or not, and who cares if your spouse terlupa nak pakai wedding ring and of course it doesn't make any sense yang kalau tak pakai wedding ring buat your spouse less in love with you. kan?

tapi kalau i, i am very particular about that. i am like that. entah. kalau tiap-tiap pagi nak pergi kerja tu, mata i memang selalu je jeling his left hand fingers. selalu cincin tu is with him, i mean in his pocket, especially kalau nak pergi dating, tengah siap-siap tu kan dia letak semua dalam pocket dia. and we put our rings dalam jewellery box dalam almari. so memang sentiasa nampak la bila nak pakai perfume and all that.

i senyum-senyum je kalau nampak dia pakai wedding ring tu. i always think like this whenever i saw the ring on his fingers, " how long will the ring last on his finger?". and it makes me sad. sebab kita tak tau. jodoh tu kan di tangan Allah. kita just boleh doa and usaha yang terbaik. lepas tu husband marah la sebab suka fikir bukan-bukan. hahaha...hello, girls are like that.err...maybe your wife is like that.hahaha.

lately ni dia sebok. classes sampai malam and usually i dah tidur dulu baru dia balik from the class. and malam-malam i dapat la message rindu la, goodnight la, love you la. and i only read it bila dah subuh. hik! so i quite missing him. a lot la. next week one whole week i tak boleh message dia. sebab dia ada aktiviti air. so hp is not allowed.

kalau next week ada entry-entry kecewa jangan risau sangat la. ibu nandong dalam mood kerinduan dan kerisauan macam tu la. haha!!

"ya Allah, protect us all, and always bless us with love and happiness. amin."

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