Semalam (Ahad), husband was having a buka puasa gathering with his squad (he was from an army boarding school), at our home. YES BABY YOU HEARD ME! at our home. and the initial plan to have only 3 people coming, plus us so total of 5 orang. but turned out to be 7 orang. *pengsan* before we get into the preparation, kita borak pasal lain dulu.
on saturday, we had a buka puasa at my SIL. menu for that day were nasi lemak sambal sotong, laksa, roti jala with kari, begedil daging, bingka, air tebu, badak berendam etc. i only managed to eat begedil and roti jala. no nasi no laksa. not sure if i'm not hungry or just full. husband as usual, makan banyak sedap-sedap. i happy gila tengok kalau dia makan. and if he is not eating, something must be wrong somewhere. he's making me happier than ever kalau dia makan, especially my cooking. mama and ayah were there. so best gile la kan!
anyway pagi sabtu tu we headed to jalan TAR, sogo. cari barang-barang untuk kursus husband. and i nak belikan handbag untuk MIL. i dapat handbag (dah bagi pun and she loves it!) and husband beli loafer. *ehem* i dont like him to wear loafer but i think it's about time la. and after all, he looks kinda sexy with the loafer. ehehehe.... i suruh dia beli obermain, tapi sure harga rm300++ so i suruh dia beli murah sikit sembonia. kalau nak beli bonia baik suruh obermain je kan. so okay. dah beli siap.
loafer was not in THE LIST. oh, we always have our list before we are going somewhere.just to make sure we don;t over buy, and don't buy unnecessary things (like the loafer..ehem). but i forgave him. okay.
then pergi potong rambut. i dont like to cut my hair. simple because i love my hair. tapi husband dia memang dengki tengok rambut i yang cantik tu. maka dia suruh potong. i taknak la ingkar perintah suami, maka i kata, "i will cut my hair only if you pay for that..". he quickly said, "yes." *gulp* alahaiiii....apehal plak dia nak hairrr. to cut the story short, yes, rambut i dah dari paras pinggang dan jadi paras bahu. good job baby. i love you so much...*jeling*
then we headed back to our home, to packed things and stuff, terus shoot pergi rumah SIL. around 9.30pm we headed to MIL's house. mama masak sedap but since we were already full, so kitorang tak makan dah la. borak-borak kejap and off me went to sleep. husband keluar dengan the boys. balik peluk-peluk kita, eh eh?
then pagi sahur la food yang mama dah masak. sedap okay. berselera plak i sahur pagi tu. pastu sambung tido. around 10am bangun pergi sogo balik. why is that so?yer kasut husband i tu terlebih besar. hahaha....kesian beliau. beli kasut mahal-mahal besar plak. nasib boleh tukar and the chinese sales girl, Ms Sassy sangat-sangat baik. siap explain lagi pasal pembesaran kaki and all. kalau la semua salesgirl baik macam ni...:)
then we went to carefour to buy some food stuff untuk masak buka malam ni. menu simple since i yang masak kan. kalau mama yang masak hebat sikit la. so i cooked nasi putih, chicken curry, ikan keli goreng sambal, sambal belacan, then i made some homemade popia rolls, salted eggs, ulam-ulam, sayur kacang goreng, air blackcurrent.
when the boys came (ye, boys saja and they didn't bring any girlfriend for me...sobs), they brought ayam golek dua ekor, nuggets 2 packs, and fries 2 packs. they said, "gorengkan masa tengok lee chong wei nanti boleh??" hahahaha cute gila. well, i okay jer. i agak malu la sebab i sorang je perempuan kat rumah. but husband was so great, he makes me as one of them. dia tak jauh-jauh dari i. and always look at me. yer, look at me. jeling-jeling, pandang-pandang i. ehehehe....berdegup-degup. kikiki.
im not sure whether i cooked good food, but some of them request me to goreng (again) my popia, and my curry chicken just enough for our sahur this morning, and some of them even tapau the extra food. husband cakap, kawan dia SMSed, "kim salam bini hang, dia masak sedap...". hahahaha....he told me this morning.'s enough to made my day hari ni. but what really made by day is because husband keep on telling me how grateful he was for having me, and thanked me for all the care and love. and last night he put me on bed, and hug me tight the whole night.
Fast Forward to 2022
3 years ago
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