Good morning y'all.
It is early in the morning.sekarang baru pukul 8.30am and I'm already in the office. Masuk pukul 9, so now I'm having my breakfast,wholegrain bread with strawberry jem and hot milo. And I'm alone,which is fine with me sebab tenang je.
So, this week will be very very busy and I'm started to freak out. Rabu dah start cuti memandangkan anual leaves banyak lagi. Hadiah semua dah siap tinggal ada a few je. Candies ni mane nak cari?duit dah habis banyak nie.nervous bukan main kot.
Hari rabu start cuti sebab nak gi klia nak menghantar my brother further study.sedih la but I know he loves it there.let's just cross fingers yea?.lepas tu khamis nak buat pedi-mani. Jumaat dah nak kena pegi spa which I already booked and paid last month.gila gigih kan?than saturday nak kena pegi buat rambut semua. Banyak keje kan?
The best part is, hari ni dengan esok jer kerja.wohooo..lepas tu cuti. Tapi cuti2 pun banyak kerja kot.nak kemas umah nak beli flowers la ape la.
But I love it.sebab nanti bole get together with my friends yang dah lame tak jumpe, gossip and all.teehee...
Ps: nervous dah nie sebab semalam dah complete 50%.haihhh..
Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone
Fast Forward to 2022
3 years ago
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