
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Trial Version : HIMALAYA

as suggested by a very good friend of mine who is small and cute, i went out at a perfect 6.30pm and rushed to KLCC, just to buy these few things.

seronok pulak beli belah product satu jenama banyak-banyak. ni tak, kalau pergi watson ke, guardian ke, macam-macam product beli.

ok she-my friend, tolong jangan buat i gila dengan produk-produk Himalaya nie. Selain menelan kos yang tinggi untuk kita bergaji rendah, tapi produk review yang sangat bagus dari kamu, jadi saya telah memperhambakan diri beli mereka nie. T_T
setakat ni belum ade official results from me.

hopefully there wil be a change or maybe perhaps a minor change after using these products. truly said, i have a skin problem since school time. back then i was an athlete, a district archer to be precised, so due to a lot of sweating, exposing to the hot sun and dirt, using a different kind of acne product, so muka banyak scar and jerawat.

but after graduating, the problem becomes less. cuma kadang-kadang tak remove makeup ada la dua tiga tumbuh segar. bak kata she, kalau scar tu dah 5 tahun, buh banyak-banyak cream pun takkan hilang. sedih sebab tak kenal she masa sekolah-sekolah dulu.kan?

habes product or in between times, nanti kita update ada change ke tak!=)

ps: she, thanks sangat2!kalau serius bagus, i OWE you big time!=)

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