Eh holla blog!how are you?
While I'm composing this entry, I'm in the train heading to terminal the time shows 8.45pm.I decided to balik lambat today. Anyway when I was in the office, I went through the fb just to checkout any updates or any news, you know.just an ordinary checkout.
Sekali I nampak an update from a very good friend.although dia tak cakap pasal I, still I'm feeling a bit uneasy with the situation.I felt so damn guilty.even until now.
You know, when you are too excited about something,the thing can turn upside down in a split of second if Allah wills it.sebab tu orang cakap tiap satu tu jangan suka sangat,nanti menangis.I feel like crying,and my collegues pun realize it. Tapi I tahan je.
Lepas tu ada suara-suara busuk hati cakap,"tu la..kan aku dah cakap..". Really, siapa yang cakap camni pada orang yang ditimpa kesusahan, memang la busuk hati orang tu.sama ada dia dengki dengan u, atau dia tengah suka sebab u ditimpa kesusahan.
Kita tau ke bila kita akan ditimpa kesusahan?kita tau ke bila decision kita tu adalah salah?kenapa nak kena cakap macam tu?I just don't understand kenapa manusia ni suka lihat kejatuhan orang rather than HELPING them?
I feel so sad.I really am.I just want to say I'm sorry.
Fast Forward to 2022
3 years ago
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