
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Pashmina by Him

Saje nak bagitau harini i pakai/bawak Pashmina to the office. i love love this Pashmina because it was given by my husband, in which he bought it masa dia jadi fiance i. -_- (nasib tak berkulat)

picture : google

Tapi Pashmina yang dia belikan warna blue black, with not so obvious stripes. i didn't know that he do have such a good taste. because i was afraid if the Pashmina have too many colours (more than 2 colours). but i dont mind if the Pashmina is in striking colours like pink or orange. (read: loves fuschia)

oh since i mentioned fuschia, i bought penapis sayur ke ikan tu warna fuschia kat kedai area ofis. ingat nak beli kat daiso since tau harga rm5 jer, but at this kedai, penapis tu rm2 je. hari tu beli dua, esok nak beli lagi dua. kenapa esok? sebab hari ni kan lupa bawak wallet. *rolls eyes* (read: camne i tertinggal wallet )

and kat ofis adalah super sejuk, pashmina telah digunakan menjadi tudung sebab saya rasa kepala saya sangat sejuk. bahahaha...pastu kawan i cakap "cantik...". *blush*

so dear hubby, pashmina tu i letak kat ofis k. kalau bawak balik sure tertinggal pastu frust. hahaha...nanti belikan lagi k. i've been wondering camne awak belikan saya pashmina tu, you pergi kedai and look around the perfect pashmina for me. i thanked you for that sayang.

tapi if you've been wondering what to buy for me next, handbag will be second on the list and kasut, followed by perfume and make ups, baju..... *and the list goes on* hahaha...

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