Sekarang issue adalah masa. By the time I get home is around 7.30pm. And tell me how am I going to the gym and to have a complete 2 hours session per visit.sedangkan gym tutup pukul 11?
And well,I love my husband. I dah nak ringan-ringankan beban kewangan beliau tapi dia nak jugak seret wife dia pergi gym.okay fine mr.king.I'll do everything you said. Gym. Unifi. Train. Banyak kena bayar tu. Hikhik.
But I can't wait to go to the gym with him! You know,sweating sama-sama, and take care of each other body and health, that will be great. Afterall kitorang dah promise before kahwin lagi, yang nak jaga each other.
So far,I tak pegi gym lagi lepas kahwin. Eh ade sekali hari ahad before balik rumah. Seronok sangat. Rasa macam single lady. Hehe..
For the record, I still can fit in into my forever21 jeans size 29. Amazingly, seluar itu kian longgar and I'm stressed out. Tanye la en suami bila I bising2 baju longgar and all. Takkan kena pakai 28 plak?
I didn't take that much of rice pun. And I dah boleh accept kalau nasi dah tak wujud dalam hidup I. Hee...
And lepas ni nak pergi gym, nak tone up body plak. Thanks en suami sebab sudi bayarkan gym I and sudi temankan I workout. I love u to death.
Ps: harini en suami shopping barang dapur sensorang. How cute is that? CUTEST!
Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone
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3 years ago
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