baru lepas bayar all the credit cards, mainly for citibank. nyesal plak apply hari tu sebab dia bagi 4 sekali credit card. lupa walapun free for life, government tax rm50 kene bayar jugakkan. so total ada 7 credit card sekarang termasuk 1 supplementary. im going to decline 4 tinggalkan 3 jer. husband kata susah nak managed nanti. sometimes he is totally right. ;)
anyway, i nak buat official announcement sebab i tau takde siapa yang akan baca blog ni melainkan a few friends yang entah bukak lagi ke tak blog i, hahaha....and readers yang kemungkinan tak kenal who am i. but i tau siapa yang kenal i, tak mungkin akan war-warkan cerita ni sebab i tak kasi *garang*. hikhik...
well anyway, i dah 5 months pregnant!! wahahaha...dalam pada taknak tu, tersangkut pulak. what more can i say melainkan ALHAMDULILAH. i dah tau i pregnant dari mula lagi, but bak kata orang2 tua, awal2 jangan dihebahkan dulu. sekarang pun taknak hebahkan jugak, that's why i just cakap kat sini. sebab this pregnancy is more interesting than masa sophea.
The Start
oh well, memang kitorang planned nak tunggu sophea dah besar, around 5 or 6 untuk ada the second baby. me and husband were already discussed upon this matter and agreed to wait until the right time to have second baby. but before this thing happened, husband pernah cakap, "is it normal to feel jealous when our friends are having their second baby?". i dah gelak-gelak masa tu (gelak campur ketiak basah, amendelah dia merepek nie...adoiii). i cakap, "well, some people do. but i dont. kenapa?". dia tak jawab, dia senyum jer. cehh..kurang asam.
Fyi, we dont use family planning pils or etc, we do it natural way because i learned, stopping yourself from being pregnant not due to health problems is HARAM. so kitorg just lari2 dari ovulation day.
The Beginning of the Story
tapi i tau sesuatu akan terjadi bila i lambat sehari dari tarikh sepatutnya i have my period. darn.... i pergi beli pregnancy test secretly, and try at night, same macam masa sophea, 8.30 pm. and there it was, the second purple line next to the control line. oh well, hello there....hahahaha...
i punya menggigil la, and when i wait for encik husband to come home, we sat quietly on our comfort bed, and telling him i am pregnant, dia pun terkejut and tak percaya. the first question coming from him was, "macam mana boleh pregnant?". i rasa macam nak tumbuk muka dia right that moment.
"macam mana boleh pregnant? i pegi carefour tadi beli ikan, pastu balik tetiba dah pregnant". ha kan...soalan tak beragak. hahahaha.
lepas tu i menangis. sebab i looked at him. he doesnt look very happy. tapi i silap, i lupe muka husband i memang cenggitu. hahaha...muka keras jer. yela, dalam movie kan, nanti husband hug bini dia, buat bulatan, pastu nangis sesama...hahaha....silly me.
Pregnancy Symptom
none. dulu masa sophea, in record muntah dalam 3 kali jer sepanjang 9 bulan. adik beliau,in record, takde. alhamdulilah. cuma masa sophea i love sweet food, desserts especially. chocolate, cake, pavlova, aaaa semua tu i makan.
this time around i suka makan pedas and a lot of sushi. dessert pun takde
Boy or Girl
yet to be known. still small. tapi doc ade say something about it. im just blessed. this baby will come out insyaallah dalam bulan 6 2015. doakan saya sihat dan dipermudahkan yer.
betul bila Allah kata setiap anak ada rezeki masing2. kitorang risau jugak kalau tak dapat cater all the babies need kan. tapi:
1. mommy dapat increment in salary
2. daddy naik pangkat
3. daddy dapat beli rumah and we will be moving in, in 2017
just too surreal for me.
to husband, i just pray that Allah will keep our family together sayang. dalam susah dalam senang, we will always be here for each other. we had been through so much, and i dont think other people will survive that. i just rasa bersyukur bersyukur and bersyukur on what we have today, and on what we stand on now.i just love you and our babies so so much.
Fast Forward to 2022
3 years ago